Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film

     Hi everyone! Last week in AICE Media Studies AS, we learned all about editing and did a fun project in class called the One Word Film project. For this project, we created a film without any dialogue to represent a tone word we were given in class. We worked in pairs to brainstorm a story, draw a storyboard, and then film using different shots, angles, composition, and movement techniques. We were instructed to edit the film individually, utilizing what we learned in class. 

     My partner and I were assigned the word appreciative. We facetimed over the weekend and first came up with a story that encompassed the word. In our story, Sally, a girl sitting alone at lunch, was joined by a girl named Sarah. Sally then ponders how she could show appreciation for Sarah's kind act.  We then did a brainstorming sheet with a shot list as well as came up with two examples of editing techniques we could use in our film. In addition to the shot type, we indicated angles, composition, and movement on this brainstorming sheet to help us once we actually started to film. Our brainstorming sheet is shown below.


     We then drew out our storyboard with the shots, angles, composition, and movement from our brainstorming sheet. This allowed us to visualize how each shot should look and the order it should be in, helping us in the organization of our film. We then left class and went outside to film. We used a tripod and an iPhone camera to film each scene. As we filmed, we had to adjust and make changes from our brainstorming and storyboard, but it all worked out in the end. Lastly, I edited the film using Adobe Premiere Pro. I played around with the platform as well as watched many videos to try and get a deep understanding of the platform while editing.

     Overall, I think the story was told well in the film, and some of the editing sequences looked really cool. I used techniques like a graphic match that I believe really added to the film. I think I could improve on adjusting lighting, as I found my lighting to be slightly weird in some of the scenes. Additionally, in the future I would like to improve the range of shots and movement techniques to allow for a better flow in the film.

     If you would like to check out my project, here is a link: Click Here To Watch My One Word Film

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